Rubby Emele As Quintessental Daisy


By Joseph Aniemeka Nwachukwu

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”. Martin Luther King Jr. went further to say that “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live” and the quality, not the longevity of one’s life is what is important”. A good number of allies of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma paid huge sacrifices and became a great conduit to the success story of Governor Hope Uzodimma’s electoral victory.

Imolites deeply salute the courage of these men and women of panache andsteel. Most especially, Bar. Raph Nwosu and Chief Hon. Mrs. Rubby Emele. We, indeed salute her strength of character. Of course, there are other progressives and technocrats, in other spheres of endeavour who had made huge sacrifices to bring this project to fruition or concrete reality.

Considering the practical and theoretical experience of Hon. Rubby Emele, a first class mobilizer, she is also a relentless strategist who is very much active, vibrant and working for a prosperous and democratic state. She is indeed a true democrat and progressive. As a quintessential administrator and a fine grassroot politician, Hon. Rubby Emele’s remarkable service delivery, immense contributions to state – building and national integration are written in the sands of time. Her capability in mobilization of women, youth and men in the political space of Imo State is unmatchable. She is a compendium of wisdom. Rubby Emele sensitized and taught women, youth, men, groups, associations and rural communities several theories and strategies in political development. She also encouraged them to stand firm in opposing oppressors of their fellow human beings and challenge all forms of illegality with vigour, courage, tenacity and absolute sense of equanimity. She insists on not being lachrymose, stand-offish nor is she recalcitrant.

Hon. Rubby Emele has practically demonstrated oomph that evil will only triumph when courageous men and women choose to sleep, slumber and go into oblivion. She maintained that evil men and women will flee the moment people of courage show up.

Henry Kissinger, former United States Secretary of State, perennial international statesman and oracle of diplomacy profiled six world leaders, now of blessed memory, in his most recent book, “Leadership: six studies in world strategy? These were the architects of the post-war evolution of their respective societies. The leaders Konrad Adenauer (Germany)Charles de Gaulle (France), Richard Nixon (United States), Anwar Sadat (Egypt), Lee Kuan YEW (Singapore) and Margaret Thatcher (Britain) reshaped and redefined their national purposes having inherited a postwar world that was in turmoil and full of uncertainties. Interestingly, they opened up new frontiers.Governor Hope Uzodimma was able to scrupulously identify seasoned administrators with razor blade intellect, analytical and sublime minds who, today, remain solidly, first class materials – unwavering, unbowed and unbeatable.

Both Governor Uzodimmaand his faithful allies particularlyBar. Raph Nwosu and Hon. Rubby Emele have made mastery of foresight, insight and hindsight because they all work together to bring out the greatest of a man. With Rubby Emele’s diverse work experience traversing various spheres, she remains an embodiment of repository of knowledge as far as leadership is concerned. She is a trouble shooter and an altruistic phenomenal personality, a worthy role model, a professional icon, titan of superlative class,a self-effacing woman whose versatility is monumental and undeniably making giant foot prints on the sands of time. We eulogize and hail Rubby Emele for her strategic leadership role which led to traditional support of His Excellency, Dist. Senator Hope Uzodimma and peace across autonomous communities in Imo State.

All must join hands in an atmosphere of peace, love, unalloyed loyalty and mutual respect to build a more prosperous, self-reliant, egalitarian and united Imo State. Succinctly put, ChiefMrs. Rubby Emele is a woman with a difference and a mine worth exploring. She has the fortitude to stand when times get tough and when doubt becomes as thick as fog. Her vision took on pterodactyl wings which she acquired more oomph swimming against the tide when necessary.

In all fairness with minor exceptions Governor Hope Uzodimma has by the celestial forces flourished as nineteenth century German chancellor, Otto VON Bismark pondered this subject and concluded that “The Statesman’s task is to hear God’s footsteps marching through history, and to try and catch on to his coattails as He marches past”it is clear that Governor Hope Uzodimma took that lesson to heart and understands its subtle and hugely significant meaning. Of course, judging from his achievements, he appreciates the essence of the statement. Now he most unequivocally treasure it. Governor Uzodimma has excelled in governance. He brought excellence in Imo State through a combination of pragmatic decisions and financial and social engineering that turned it into a model modern state. People like Hon. Rubby Emele and others in assisting to reshape the political landscape in a positive and dynamic manner, confronted local, political and economic challenges and significantly contributed to an enduring new world order. Just like these global figures who shaped the circumstances of their era, Imo State Governor, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma assumed leadership position of Imo State at a time of great economic difficulties marked by uncertainties.

Governor Uzodimma and his allies including Chief Hon. RubbyEmele came in the midst of raging storms, multi-dimensional poverty, angst, and general state of despair.Governor Uzodimma has focused on how to steady the floundering ship of state, redirect the economy and remove all barriers that inhibit productivity and growth.

Essentially connectivity of empathy between a leader and the led and ability to communicate are vital attributes of a good leader. Governor Hope Uzodimma possesses these two desirable attributes in abundance with the ways and manners he has connected with the economic hardships which Nigerians are going through. One of the best leadership and management books, is the leadership lessons of Jesus’ -a timeless model lessons of leadership offered by Jesus himself through his own life. It was written by Bob Briner and Ray Pritchard. In the book the authors explained why a leader must have clear vision and be able to communicate that vision clearly and concisely to the followers without leaving anyone in doubt about the ability to provide direction. This was evidently exemplified by Jesus Christ when he met Peter, James and John and called them to discipleship. Jesus told them, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. By vocation, they were fishermen. Governor Hope Uzodimma was clear about the job he was calling them unto. He did not leave them in doubt as to why they should drop their day time job.

So also, Governor Hope Uzodimma and his allies, particularly Hon. Rubby Emele have not failed in telling Imolites about the dire strait of our state economy and what needs to be done to ensure a buoyant economy that would serve every segment of the society. In her various meetings with different crucial groups, Hon. Rubby Emele has on severaloccasions explained to them the effort of the State Governor and his vision for a greater and brighter future that awaits them. Hon. Rubby Emele stated that Governor Hope Uzodimma has assiduously and scrupulouslybeen firing on all cylinders to revamp the state economy. According to Hon. Rubby Emele, Governor Uzodimma is adroitly brave at heart and large in vision. He has the fortitude to stand when times get tough and doubt becomes as thick as fog.Hon. Rubby Emele deserves all the encomiums, accolades and eulogies that are being poured on her.Her life’s journey is a manifestation of God’s unfailing love, integrity, credibility, uprightness and nobility. These are her greatest assets and have been attested to by all and sundry. She strongly beliefs that, “If you want to be well-served then serve others” according to MYLES MUNROE. This is servant leadership in action. She is a rare breed who displays intense tenacity to rise above adversity and captures glorious moments, thereby demonstrating unparallelled level of perseverance to rise from a zero level to regain a hero status. She believes in the Latin dictum which says, Nemo Dat Quod nonHabet, that is onedoes not give, what one does not have. Hon. Mrs. Rubby Emele is an irrepressible soldier of Christ, unassuming, humane, a consummatetechnocrat, coupled with her philanthropic superfluity and an affable administrative acumen.

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”… SUN Chinese Military General, strategist, philosopher and writer.

“The pen is the tongue of the hand, the silent utterer of words for the eyes” HENRY BEECHER

Dr. Joseph Aniemeka Nwachukwu

Public Affairs Analyst

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